The consequences of the economic madness,

imposed by ‘the lie of economy’, are reversible. We all need to correctly know how simply this can be done, and that it only takes a little time, out of our daily lives, to be able to know this.

The true weapon of conquest and the basis of defeating those that would wreak havoc on our lives, is to understand ‘true economy’ and the distortion imposed on it by ‘the lie of economy’.

Recent trends in the Polish banking sector 2012

Note.- Under the title heading,


the ‘Loans’ graph on Page 2 demonstrates –

the beginning of a phenomenal decline in the money supply in Poland. This indicates that taken as a whole, credit departments of banks in Poland had suddenly and unceremoniously ‘closed shop’ in providing loans for the polish economy. The significance of this cannot be overstated – money supply in Poland began to rapidly disappear at a phenomenal rate, spelling the end of the polish economy.

Recent trends in Poland’s banking sector 2012/2013

Note.- On pages 2 and 3, under the title headings,




the ‘Loans’ graphs demonstrate without equivocation –

that the money supply in Poland did indeed begin its rapid decline from late 2011 and confirms that Poland has indeed collapsed.

This all can be summarised as – no money supply, no economy.

How can we fight ‘the good fight’ to save lives and improve our own lives if we slowly starve ?

Government urged to act as food poverty hits 18% of UK

That is why it becomes absolutely crucial to grasp and understand the “real issues”. These ‘issues’ need only be looked for in the preceding article THE REAL DANGER published 21st June 2013. The pace quickens and time is short. Once again, the choice is ours.


Inteliace Research



A Letter Revealing The Truth of Economic Reality for the People of Poland –

 I said I’d send you graphs which encapsulate the problem everyone is faced with.

Well, the first link below is for the graphs and the rest are supporting evidence with a short explanatory note that follows:

Europe Is Not “Fixed”: Two Charts


Republic of Poland: Arrangement Under the Flexible Credit Line


Eurozone to stay in recession for another year

(Note.- Paragraph 3 begins, ‘The delayed recovery, which was blamed on a lack of bank lending…’)


On the Brink: Fiscal Austerity Threatens a Global Recession


The first link quite clearly demonstrates, using graphs, the horrendous problems the vast majority of people will face as a result of what is shown by these graphs. These horrendous problems, which are ongoing, are evidenced by just a few sample stories from the other links. It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to understand how the vast majority of people everywhere are going to be affected by what’s happening.

The first chart in that link shows overall debt continually increasing and the second chart shows that the supply of money in circulation that is available to pay the debt is shrinking and continues to shrink at an alarming rate.

As you will note, the two positions on the graphs are moving away from each other and will never meet. As you can see from the second chart, the supply of money (circulation) that is available to pay the debt, continues to shrink. How can a continually shrinking money supply pay for a continually escalating debt? Answer, it can’t.

As a consequence, the supply of money everywhere will be completely used up without still being able to meet the ever escalating debt. It’s an impossible situation and nothing on this earth will remedy it except people understanding ‘true economy’.

You will also note, that the money supply is almost down to zero, meaning that there will not be any money for people to do anything with. Money at the moment is rapidly disappearing. Whatever money anyone had saved, would disappear as soon as they spent it on necessary consumption.

That is because businesses as well as individuals are servicing debt continuously, which reduces the money supply so that it is not available for anything else. As you can see from the second chart, the money supply is not being replaced or replenished through renewed loans or credit, otherwise the graph or trend would begin to move upwards.

The banks ‘controlling credit’ for their own benefit by misrepresenting it and falsifying it to themselves away from individuals who own it, means that any attempt to meet debt repayments withdraws money from circulation leaving people without money to use. So, to provide for money to use again, it needs to be borrowed back into circulation as ever greater or increasing debt owed to the banks to cover previously withdrawn debt payments and the interest on them. This process continues until a critical point is reached that makes, regardless of the amount of economic activity, debt servicing become impossible and the inevitable collapse of the economy ensues. This is why the money supply in the second chart continues to fall and is fast approaching zero; money is being withdrawn from the economy to meet debt repayments which can never be paid back and which will still be owed even though there would be no money to pay them. As you can see from the charts, this is exactly what is happening.

This absurd situation of the money supply shrinking is further aggravated and accelerated by taxes for the payment of the national debt, which doesn’t decline because government needs to take on more debt by borrowing more to just service their previous debts and then reintroduce money back into circulation as even more debt to maintain circulation for economic activity, which only helps to increase future debt even further.

Government then, is forced to borrow even more frantically to stave of collapse, which is just more debt being added on top of previous debt.

And since tax revenues would be far to small to even probably service the interest on all this debt, it becomes clear that even if you taxed everyone to the full extent of their income, further frantic borrowing by government is what you would see to cover debt servicing which everyone is expected to pay towards, as taxes. This frantic borrowing is mistakenly thought of as government ‘printing money’ and devaluing the currency.

The truth is, it is the government having no alternative but to borrow meaninglessly in a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable collapse under this present system of distortion which is ‘the imposed lie of economy’.

To summarise all of this, a point is reached in the economic activity of a country where no matter how much economic activity exits, it won’t be enough to service the ever increasing debt never mind even trying to pay it all off. And even if it did pay it all off it would have to borrow it all over again for there to be money in the economy that people could use for their various activities. At any rate, a countries credit rating or ability to service its debt is compromised and as a consequence it is unable to borrow in order to keep up with its debt repayments, further creating a diminishing of the money supply.

Its credit rating is downgraded to junk status, while in the meantime debt repayments still have to be made without anywhere to borrow from. What’s left of the existing money supply rapidly diminishes as taxes are increased to meet debt repayments. Cuts or austerity measures are called for everywhere, and still there’s no hope in sight. Everywhere becomes like Greece sooner or later.

We’re fast approaching zero in the money supply for Europe as a whole. To demonstrate this for each individual country one need only present similar charts for each countries total debt and money supply in circulation over a period of time.

From the second link given above, it looks as though Poland is anticipating that it will reach zero money supply very soon (2013) or at least won’t be able to meet its debt repayment commitments, and has made futile provisions to delay the inevitable just a little longer with what can only exacerbate Poland’s demise, and that is, more debt. Ask yourself the question – is Poland replacing its money supply with enough debt borrowing or has it reached its limit to be able to service existing debt? To have insight into this question its worth reading the International Monetary Fund (imf) report at the link given.

The key to the whole thing is about replacing the money supply. But since countries have surpassed their ability to service debt even at minimum levels, as a consequence their credit rating is such that they can no longer borrow so that the whole thing comes tumbling down. Hence the special measures under different institutional names to ‘rescue’ countries. All nonsense of course, because it amounts to just increasing countries artificial debt burdens which so called taxpayers are expected to pay and can’t pay.

When all of this happens, the banking network, and you can be sure it is one continuous network, can claim the assets of a country as theirs – that includes the land, all property and as well as the people – for an ‘artificial debt’ which can never be paid back.

Categorical Proof of Bankers Scheme To Advance Feudalism Through The Lie of Economy
Banker Admits “We Engineered the Global Financial Crisis” 1
(“We engineered the world financial crisis” 2:09 minutes into video)

Panel on the global economic power shift
Deliberately Devaluing Money…Threatening and Forcing Developing Countries 5:18 min
Engineering The World Financial Crisis 6:19 min

Euro zone on track to keep shrinking: Eurocoin


JPMorgan will Euro-Diktatur

English Translation of – JPMorgan will Euro-Diktatur

Banker’s Orders For Corporate Countries To Follow And Use As A Pretext For Securing The Final Stages Of Feudalism Over The People Of The World By Withdrawing The Money Supply


On page 294 of Bruce Bartlett’s inquiry into the Roman Empire, we read as follows under the heading THE RISE AND FALL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH, what happens as a result of the bankers manipulating the money supply for their own benefit:

‘Tiberius,however,cut back on the building program and hoarded large sums of cash. This led to a financial crisis in 33 AD. in which there was a severe shortage of money. This shortage may have been triggered by a usury law which had not been applied for some years but was again enforced by the courts at this time (Frank 1935). The shortage of money and the curtailment of state expenditures led to a sharp downturn in economic activity…’


In Patrick S. J. Carmack’s THE MONEY CHANGERS, we read in Chapter 3 of his booklet, under the heading MONEY CHANGING IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE, that:

‘Two early Roman emperors had tried to diminish the power of the Money Changers by reforming usury laws and limiting land ownership to 500 acres. Both were assassinated.

In 48 BC, Julius Caesar took back from the Money Changers the power to coin money and then minted coins for the benefit of all. With this new, plentiful supply of money, he built great public works. By making money plentiful, Caesar won the love of the common people. But the Money Changers hated him. Some believe this was an important factor in Caesar’s assassination. One thing is for sure: with the death of Caesar came the demise of plentiful money in Rome. Taxes increased, as did corruption. Eventually the Roman money supply was reduced by 90 per cent. As a result, the common people lost their lands and homes – just as has happened and will happen again in America to the few who still own their own land and homes.’




The leading banks, which are the central banks, having reached a critical level of instituting debt across the corporate nations of the world, are now removing the money supply and not permitting its replenishment as can be demonstrated with a few sample articles:





The Conventional Channels of Access To Credit Are Closed For Corporate Poland –
Poland to get EUR 1bn loan from World Bank


The world economy was planned to be deliberately destroyed
or more accurately speaking – confiscated through ‘the lie of economy’, a long time ago .

EU makes bank creditors bear losses as Cyprus bail-in becomes blue-print for rescues

But first, the minds of men needed to be changed so that they lost trust in themselves, to instead seek redemption in the trust of ‘others’ – bankers and their ‘proxies’.

What was planned and needed to happen, was to ensure a belief in bankers and their ‘proxies’ as a force for good resolving the problems of men; both orchestrated and real. The fattening-up before the kill.


It seems that we all became mesmerised, one way or another by opportunists, who took the natural inclinations of men whether for good or for bad, in the world that they found man inhabiting, and used these inclinations as and when they could in the direction of manipulation, to bring about dependency on so-called authority rather than on self-reliance.

The broad overview made here shall not be dwelt on, except to say that those who examine history always sense an undercurrent of separate unseen events that only come to light when episodes in history are reviewed with greater scrutiny, to show and to be found lurking in the shadows, the forces which underlie the huge historic upheavals that turn men away from their crowning glory of self-reliance, for the begging-bowl of dependency held high to ‘authority’ pleading for alms.

Restoration and recovery will only be achieved with the use of ‘instruments that provide the means to gauge the facts’. Instruments that mark and steer the course for our moral-compass when setting sail for the high-seas of encounters. Instruments, that unravel how we gave up our crowning glory, our ship of self-reliance guided by its star of free-will, and with its surrender, the surrender of all our possessions, for that barren land of ‘dependency’ that marks the road to impending feudalism.

Poetic sentiment aside, all we need do to find our remedy, is understand the gist of, if not the details of, the simple explanations provided throughout this site to regain natures inheritance. The choice is ours.

There is no need here to repeat these explanations. All that would need to be done is examine carefully the first two articles in the archives, and then crucially, to patiently ‘see for ourselves’ how the alleged death of our world economy had been brought about, with an extraordinary discovery and presentation demonstrating all of this to us, presented at the link below:


If all that we can see and come to know for ourselves with just a little investigation isn’t evidence enough of what is at stake here, then truly we are asleep, without a cure to be found for our gullibility.
What is for certain, is that we individually decide when this ends and how we should begin. It just takes us to simply wake up to greet the right beginning.

All of course are free to share all the information provided throughout the pages of THERE IS NO DEBT.


The Vast Majority of People With a Bank Account are Unsecured Creditors, see:

RED ALERT: Money Confiscation Legal? Keep YOUR Money OUT of the Banks!!

Crisis Management

Note.- From the European Unions Website, Under the title:
EU finance ministers reach agreement on the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive – 27.06.2013,
the press release pdf from the council, on page 2 reads,

‘The main resolution measures would include:
– bail-in measures (the imposition of losses, with an order of seniority, on
shareholders and unsecured creditors).’

On claims of depositors, subordinated and creditors and central banks in bank resolutions

Claims of depositors, subordinated creditors, senior creditors and central banks in bank resolutions
Niall Lenihan Assistant General Counsel Legal Services, European Central Bank AEDBF Conference, Athens , 5–6 October 2012

New EU Plan Will Make Every Bank Account In Europe Vulnerable To Cyprus-Style Wealth Confiscation

Bank bail-in plans finally agreed, but its only a small step towards banking union

EU Council Reaches Agreement on Bail-In Rules

Pimco Says Debt Losing Allure in Emerging World: Poland Credit

Emerging markets crushed by double squeeze in China and America

International Monetary Fund – Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe Regional Economic Issues

Beneficial owner

Wolfsberg FAQ’s on Beneficial Ownership


An interesting case was brought to court concerning a certain gentleman and ZUS, the social insurance institution operating the social security system in The Republic of Poland. The gentleman in question, sort to recover the not to insignificant sum of contributory payments towards social insurance he had made to ZUS over the years, and also presumably to stop contributions altogether.

Przestał wierzyć w ZUS, chce się całkiem wypisać. Precedensowa sprawa w sądzie Cały tekst

(Note.- The Polish pronunciation of ZUS has a similarity to the American English pronunciation for the greek god ‘Zeus’. Surely a coincidence !)

Pierwsze zwycięstwo tego, który chce wyjść z ZUS

Had the gentleman known the principles of ‘what forms the basis of our relationships to each other’, no doubt he and others would quickly have recognised the hilarity of the pronouncements made in the case by ZUS, and the subsequent judgements in support of them.

Once it could be established that the court in which the case was to be brought, was one in which cases could be heard from different jurisdictions, and further more, entering the jurisdiction and territory of The Republic of Poland was to be avoided at all times with regards to ZUS and especially during the proceedings – with the court filings bringing the action against ZUS reflecting this – then the case against ZUS could be brought on the basis of misrepresentation of jurisdictional authority and unfairness in the failure of ZUS to present, full, proper, clear and open ‘disclosure’ that, that there is no duty or obligation to make contributory payments to ZUS, with which knowledge, the ‘mistake’ of making contributory payments to ZUS would never have happened.

From this vantage point, the ‘remedy’ in the filing of the action brought against ZUS, would include a ‘motion’ of full reimbursement and compensation, ‘ordered by the plaintiff’ on the courts announcement.

A not to dissimilar cause, one of wanting to break-away from the shackles and restraints of so-called authority, sort elsewhere by an organisation calling itself The Association of Free Traders, goes to further demonstrate that to be able to ‘break-away’, an appreciation of the principles of ‘what forms the basis of our relationships to each other’ needs to be acquired as an absolute necessity.

The first challenge to the association, would be to understand ‘the nature of how relationships are formed’, and then to ‘obtain evidence’ that it, the association, had not been formed in the jurisdiction of The Republic of Poland. After which, the association and its members would need to translate their ambitions into the difficult task of ‘action’, in-order to demonstrate and express that – ‘to know you are free is to act freely’.

Here, the difficulty would not lie with the principles upon which their ‘actions’ were based, once they understood them with regards to ‘what forms the basis of our relationships to each other’, but with the so-called authorities reluctance to relinquish their ‘control’ inculcated in the ‘minds’ of men over countless generations.

Given the shared interest that many have with The Association of Free Traders ideals, a communication was dispatched to the association within which it was alleged, in a manner intended to be positive, that had the gentleman who had brought his action against ZUS been also a member, they and he would have a common interest – to explore and pursue a more ‘accurate’ approach in the fulfillment of that common interest – namely, to be able to ‘act’ freely. The communication is presented here as a vehicle to stimulate others into thinking about the real and personal efforts they would have to make to be able to act freely from the constraints of so-called authority.

It must be borne in mind that any individual who was to pursue its suggestion would clearly and understandable do so no farther then the limit of what would be tolerable in their particular set of circumstances. Nevertheless, it indicates as part of a strategy, the considerations to be borne in mind when dealing with something that ought not to be fought over – acting freely according to ones conscience and above all to ones freewill, insofar as no harm or injury is caused to others, and insofar as no damage is caused to the property of others, as well as avoiding reckless behaviour that could endanger or disrupt the well-being of others.

In place of the hurriedly drawn original communication to the association, a replacement with that of a similar text, has been provided to improve readability without altering the facts underlying the key principle issues or distracting from the principle issues themselves.

You will never achieve economic freedom or be able to conduct business freely without understanding the principle issues.

The failure of one of your members in court with regards to ZUS demonstrates this.

To conduct business freely requires that you should not ask permission.

Asking for permission demonstrates that you have relinquished your ‘freedom’ to someone else to decide issues on your behalf.


(Information in brackets must not be presented)

1. Do not file tax return forms or any government issued documentation that is not appropriate to your wishes or to your circumstances

2. Do not deposit money in a bank account or leave money deposited in a bank account

3. Wait for a written response from ‘the authorities’

4. Ask them whether you can ask questions to be able to help you understand what is going on. Tell them you are confused about the whole situation and you would like to be able to understand by asking questions to clarify everything with them concerning the situation. (You must get an affirmative response)


5. Ask them if they will be ‘responsive’ to your questions. (You must get an affirmative response. Responsiveness requires that they provide an answer which only deals with the question being asked and that they cannot refer to anything else or not respond directly to that question with opinions, for example, legislation, court rulings, or policy; otherwise they will be seen as argumentative and trying to create a ‘controversy’, suggesting they are being ‘frivolous’. Both serious charges.)

6. Now ask the following questions:

(Do not deviate from the substance of these questions by adding information to them or subtracting information from them. Do not cite legislation – legislation is none of your business. Do not engage a lawyer. Obtain an answer that is responsive for each question. If it is insisted that a ‘responsive’ answer will not be provided or that there is a repeated failure to give a ‘responsive’ answer, tell them that their non-responsiveness will be taken to mean an affirmative response in favour of your question.)

Are you a witness or can you provide any witnesses with personal first hand knowledge that can say or show that I am a tax-payer with taxable income?

Are you a witness or can you provide any witnesses with personal first hand knowledge that can say or show that I am a ZUS contributor or social security contributor with contributory income?

Are you a witness or can you provide any witnesses with personal first hand knowledge that can say or show that I was and am in The Republic of Poland?

Are you a witness or can you provide any witnesses with personal first hand knowledge that can say or show that I do not absolutely own my business without condition?

Are you a witness or can you provide any witnesses with personal first hand knowledge that can say or show that I was and am doing business in The Republic of Poland?

Are you a witness or can you provide any witnesses with personal first hand knowledge that can say or show that I was ‘using’ the title (in my possession) of Polish Citizen or National at the time for which any claims are being made?


The Principle Issues That Form The Basis Of Our Relationships To Each Other –
The Real Danger

Statutory Instruments 1997 No. 1778 SOCIAL SECURITY – The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997


Marc Stevens

Wolni Przedsiębiorcy




As a people, we fail to grasp that we give legitimacy to the dangers that we face, and that others feel free to impose on us.

Our failure to appreciate two simple issues, which admittedly have been endlessly kept confused, leads us to not truly realise the profound enormity of their importance and impact on our everyday lives.

Turning the tide of the madness that seems to permeate our lives – particularly that madness that stems from the direction of corporate entities – will never be achieved, unless and until we all come to realise the danger we create for ourselves, by not ‘coming to grips’ with two issues and how they should be really and truly perceived and explained; explanations that can be simply presented and understood, not least because they have the ‘ring of truth’.

Those issues are Law and Economy.

Once the real underlying principles of these issues are brought into the full light of day, then and only then, will it be understood that the multiplicity of non-sense we are drawn to and are distracted by, that somehow seemingly present themselves as legitimate and genuine, are nothing more than designs to do just that – distract.

We are the ones that decide to give these ‘dangerous designs’ sustenance, by consenting to give them legitimacy, in allowing others to have the authority to make decisions for us. The fault is entirely ours. We have no one else to blame but ourselves for, so easily if not at times skillfully, allowing ourselves to be deceived.

Allowing others to be vigilant on our behalf to these designs, would amount to allowing a wolf to convince us that it would make a superb guard-dog in protecting us from things that go bump in the night. It seems reasonable that we could both mutually benefit from the wolfs apparent vigilance and natural expert ability to spot danger. The wolf would benefit by being kept warm and well-fed, and we would benefit from its natural resourcefulness or expertise, on condition that we allowed it our consent of authority over our life to determine what is in our best interests to provide us with safety from danger. All the while, the true hidden motives and ambitions of the wolf would be to acquire a taste for being well-fed by eating us or being rid of us, for it to possess everything that we own and at the same time extend its territorial dominance over what were once our hard won lands and possessions, but sadly no more.

The tragedy with the preceding scenario is not that a wolf would always remain a wolf, but that we had neither eyes to see with nor ears to hear with, to be able to gauge where the true danger lay.

The eyes to see with and the ears to hear with are the underlying principles we use as ‘tools’ to determine the measure of a man or any organised grouping – the potential wolf. They are the tools which permit us to legitimately say, ‘no thank you, go about your business you are not welcome here’.

Our propensity as people to engage in issues that quite frankly are not our business, or to enter into issues without the simple knowledge of the true underlying principles that we can apply as a tool with which to first approach and gauge an issue, as and when we do involve ourselves, underlies our gullibility to think that the other ‘fella’, the disguised wolf, be he an individual or ‘some sort of organisation’, means us well.

We will more often than not, ‘take the bait’ if we do not make a less than time consuming effort to understand what our true position is in relation to each other and the means through which that position rids us of the problems we face in not legitimising those who seek our legitimacy, through concealing the principles that are the tools that govern all our relationships; or at the very least, who seek to distort those principles.

All that needs to be always remembered is that if we appeal to ‘others’ to correct injustices imposed on us, or appeal to others to provide for justice, without ourselves having something of a basis of understanding the underlying principles, or a gauge with which to measure against, then how on earth are we to know we have received justice or further injustice?

By taking just a brief amount of time out of our daily lives, we can acquire the simple tools and explanations that are based on our shared common sense, and that are easy to understand, for us to be able to answer this question for ourselves.

All of us, if we have not already done so, whether we feel confident or not in our understanding, ought to become familiar with these devastatingly enlightening tools. Otherwise, we all repeatedly fall victim to the mercy of the wolf – to concerning ourselves with the symptoms or effects, the wolf, rather than the cause, us. To this end, to prevent ourselves from unknowingly endangering ourselves, and to obtain an appreciation of what we need to begin to understand, before we can even think we know what it is we are truly looking at, a few website links to be found from a few articles throughout this website, are once again repeated as source material. Now is the time to realise the wider context at play. Now is the time to sit-down without distraction and read what is simplicity itself. There truly is nothing to fear from fear itself:










The original incorporation charter of Krakow (08.06.2013)

New Hampshire Conflating – There is No State – [UPDATED WITH CALL-IN TO FTL]

The Tiny Dot (Video)





mike montagne – MPE PRESENTATION




Poland to Grow Ireland-Style as Crisis Heads East
Note.- Paragraph 4, reads:
“Poland has collapsed,” said Nicholas Spiro of Spiro Sovereign Strategy, on Monday. “It has a huge domestic economy, but essentially domestic demand has been contracting. It is being propped up entirely by exports, so all eyes are on Germany to see if the German economy recovers.”


The German Economy and the Crisis in Europe

Germany—2013 Article IV Consultation: Concluding Statement of the IMF Mission

German Economy’s Growth Outlook Cut by IMF on Euro-Area Impact

Poland secures 80pct of borrowing needs in May
(Note.- Borrowing under ‘the lie of economy’ assures your destruction)

Rate council cuts rates to record low 2.75 pct


Poland’s Economy Slows Sharply

Poland: growth slumps to just 0.4%

Poland’s rate cut: start of a new cycle?

Poland’s retail sales: food for thought

Mario Draghi’s ECB Press Conference – Live Webcast

‘Bloodbath’ in EM bonds; first outflow in nearly a year

CEE: In uncertain times – 9th May, 2013

Warning signs Appear as Poland’s bond rally shows no signs of running out of steam

Poland’s pension system ‘broke’ says finance minister

The Government Theft of Retirement Accounts Has Begun

Polish Reform – Talking Heads

Pension system in Poland – pending overhaul…

Polish cabinet may take control of Poles’ pension savings to reduce budget shortfall


BANKERS ADMISSION –  Categorical Proof of Bankers Scheme To Advance Feudalism Through The Lie of Economy
Banker Admits “We Engineered the Global Financial Crisis” 1
(“We engineered the world financial crisis” 2:09 minutes into video)

Panel on the global economic power shift
Deliberately Devaluing Money…Threatening and Forcing Developing Countries 5:18 min
Engineering The World Financial Crisis 6:19 min


A Letter Revealing The Truth of Economic Reality for the People of Poland –

 I said I’d send you graphs which encapsulate the problem everyone is faced with.

Well, the first link below is for the graphs and the rest are supporting evidence with a short explanatory note that follows:

Europe Is Not “Fixed”: Two Charts


Republic of Poland: Arrangement Under the Flexible Credit Line


Eurozone to stay in recession for another year

(Note.- Paragraph 3 begins, ‘The delayed recovery, which was blamed on a lack of bank lending…’)


22/02/2013 :Winter forecast 2013 – The EU economy: gradually overcoming headwinds


France freezes spending to hit EU targets as slump deepens


On the Brink: Fiscal Austerity Threatens a Global Recession


France is totally bankrupt


Bankrupt France set to save £600m – by turning off the lights


The first link quite clearly demonstrates, using graphs, the horrendous problems the vast majority of people will face as a result of what is shown by these graphs. These horrendous problems, which are ongoing, are evidenced by just a few sample stories from the other links. It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to understand how the vast majority of people everywhere are going to be affected by what’s happening.

The first chart in that link shows overall debt continually increasing and the second chart shows that the supply of money in circulation that is available to pay the debt is shrinking and continues to shrink at an alarming rate.

As you will note, the two positions on the graphs are moving away from each other and will never meet. As you can see from the second chart, the supply of money (circulation) that is available to pay the debt, continues to shrink. How can a continually shrinking money supply pay for a continually escalating debt? Answer, it can’t.

As a consequence, the supply of money everywhere will be completely used up without still being able to meet the ever escalating debt. It’s an impossible situation and nothing on this earth will remedy it except people understanding ‘true economy’.

You will also note, that the money supply is almost down to zero, meaning that there will not be any money for people to do anything with. Money at the moment is rapidly disappearing. Whatever money anyone had saved, would disappear as soon as they spent it on necessary consumption.

That is because businesses as well as individuals are servicing debt continuously, which reduces the money supply so that it is not available for anything else. As you can see from the second chart, the money supply is not being replaced or replenished through renewed loans or credit, otherwise the graph or trend would begin to move upwards.

The banks ‘controlling credit’ for their own benefit by misrepresenting it and falsifying it to themselves away from individuals who own it, means that any attempt to meet debt repayments withdraws money from circulation leaving people without money to use. So, to provide for money to use again, it needs to be borrowed back into circulation as ever greater or increasing debt owed to the banks to cover previously withdrawn debt payments and the interest on them. This process continues until a critical point is reached that makes, regardless of the amount of economic activity, debt servicing become impossible and the inevitable collapse of the economy ensues. This is why the money supply in the second chart continues to fall and is fast approaching zero; money is being withdrawn from the economy to meet debt repayments which can never be paid back and which will still be owed even though there would be no money to pay them. As you can see from the charts, this is exactly what is happening.

This absurd situation of the money supply shrinking is further aggravated and accelerated by taxes for the payment of the national debt, which doesn’t decline because government needs to take on more debt by borrowing more to just service their previous debts and then reintroduce money back into circulation as even more debt to maintain circulation for economic activity, which only helps to increase future debt even further.

Government then, is forced to borrow even more frantically to stave of collapse, which is just more debt being added on top of previous debt.

And since tax revenues would be far to small to even probably service the interest on all this debt, it becomes clear that even if you taxed everyone to the full extent of their income, further frantic borrowing by government is what you would see to cover debt servicing which everyone is expected to pay towards, as taxes. This frantic borrowing is mistakenly thought of as government ‘printing money’ and devaluing the currency.

The truth is, it is the government having no alternative but to borrow meaninglessly in a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable collapse under this present system of distortion which is ‘the imposed lie of economy’.

To summarise all of this, a point is reached in the economic activity of a country where no matter how much economic activity exits, it won’t be enough to service the ever increasing debt never mind even trying to pay it all off. And even if it did pay it all off it would have to borrow it all over again for there to be money in the economy that people could use for their various activities. At any rate, a countries credit rating or ability to service its debt is compromised and as a consequence it is unable to borrow in order to keep up with its debt repayments, further creating a diminishing of the money supply.

Its credit rating is downgraded to junk status, while in the meantime debt repayments still have to be made without anywhere to borrow from. What’s left of the existing money supply rapidly diminishes as taxes are increased to meet debt repayments. Cuts or austerity measures are called for everywhere, and still there’s no hope in sight. Everywhere becomes like Greece sooner or later.

We’re fast approaching zero in the money supply for Europe as a whole. To demonstrate this for each individual country one need only present similar charts for each countries total debt and money supply in circulation over a period of time.

From the second link given above, it looks as though Poland is anticipating that it will reach zero money supply very soon (2013) or at least won’t be able to meet its debt repayment commitments, and has made futile provisions to delay the inevitable just a little longer with what can only exacerbate Poland’s demise, and that is, more debt. Ask yourself the question – is Poland replacing its money supply with enough debt borrowing or has it reached its limit to be able to service existing debt? To have insight into this question its worth reading the International Monetary Fund (imf) report at the link given.

The key to the whole thing is about replacing the money supply. But since countries have surpassed their ability to service debt even at minimum levels, as a consequence their credit rating is such that they can no longer borrow so that the whole thing comes tumbling down. Hence the special measures under different institutional names to ‘rescue’ countries. All nonsense of course, because it amounts to just increasing countries artificial debt burdens which so called taxpayers are expected to pay and can’t pay.

When all of this happens, the banking network, and you can be sure it is one continuous network, can claim the assets of a country as theirs – that includes the land, all property and as well as the people – for an ‘artificial debt’ which can never be paid back.
The Effects of The Lie of Economy (Worldwide)

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The Banking Network

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The Reversal of Bank Flows: 2008–12
We read, page 15

Global Risks 2013

BRE BANK SA – Polish Weekly Review May 24, 2013

Liquidity consequences of the sovereign debt crisis

Euro Central Bank – Monthly Bulletin 2013
we read, page 19

Poland: Creation of Special Stabilization Fund from New Fee on Banks

World News 2013 – Wall Street casino: The derivatives crisis